Beautiful asserts with your Django Test Client

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When you write tests using the Django Test Client you often want to check for error messages being displayed correctly, or if a page renders specific HTML elements. Although assertHTMLEqual or assertContains with the html parameter are useful for this, it doesn't feel very elegant to write asserts with HTML markup. Could there be a more sophisticated way?

Minimal example

Let's first demonstrate how you would test a simple Django form and view with a unit test and a functional/integration test. I will use the term functional test from now on, as I use the Django Test Client mainly for testing functionality from a user's perspective.

We will use pytest with pytest-django in this article, but the same principles apply if you use the default Django testrunner.

Based on Adam Johnson's excellent How to Unit Test a Django Form, the basic principles of this article are: Write unit tests to test the form thoroughly, write functional tests to check if the view which uses the form is functioning properly, without detailed testing of the form.

In any case you would like to see the full source code including all the tests, or if you want to play around with the project you can find it here:

So, let's get started with the core of the tested application, a simpel model and form:

class Article(models.Model): title = models.CharField(max_length=255)

class ArticleForm(forms.ModelForm): class Meta: model = Article fields = ("title",) def clean_title(self): title = self.cleaned_data["title"] if not title[0].isupper(): raise ValidationError("Should start with an uppercase letter") if "." in title: raise ValidationError("The period sign is not allowed") return title

Unit tests

First we write a unit test for a happy flow scenario. When you enter a correct title the form should be valid, and as a bonus we could check if the form will create a new Article instance, it is a ModelForm after all:

@pytest.mark.django_db def test_article_form__correct_title(): title = "My correct title" form = ArticleForm(data=dict(title=title)) assert form.is_valid() assert isinstance(form.instance, Article) assert form.instance.title == title

Now we know the form will do its job with a well formatted title, it's time to check if clean_title is functioning properly. Let's use @pytest.mark.parametrize for testing three scenarios:

  • Titles should start with an uppercase letter
  • The period sign is not allowed
  • Title is a required field
@pytest.mark.parametrize( "title,expected_error_message", ( ("title not uppercased", "Should start with an uppercase letter."), ("My title with a period.", "The period sign is not allowed."), (None, "This field is required."), ), ) @pytest.mark.django_db def test_article_form__invalid_title(title, expected_error_message): form = ArticleForm(data=dict(title=title)) assert not form.is_valid() assert "title" in form.errors assert form.errors["title"] == [expected_error_message]

With these tests, we are pretty sure the form will perform validation as desired, so we don't have to retest all of this again when writing functional tests.

Functional tests

Now we know that the form is tested thoroughly, we want to make sure that the view which uses the form is also functioning properly. The view should:

  • Render and show the form
  • Show error messages in case of an error
  • Redirect to an overview page when all is fine

let's first start to check if the form is rendered correctly. The test is exaggerated a bit here for demonstration purposes:

@pytest.mark.django_db def test_article_create__get__assertContains(client): response = client.get(reverse("article-create")) assertContains(response, "<h1>Create Article</h1>", html=True) assertContains(response, '<form method="post">') assertContains( response, '<input type="text" name="title" maxlength="255" required="" id="id_title">', html=True, ) assertContains(response, '<input type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit">')

Reading this immediately causes some itch: Typing all this HTML makes it messy, hard to read and fault tolerant. When frontend developers would add or change html attributes / CSS classes in the template or change the way this form is displayed this test will fail. Then we need to update the HTML in this test each time we change something. Not very efficient, nor convenient.

To overcome this you could write something like this:

@pytest.mark.django_db def test_article_create__get__assert_with_regex(client): response = client.get(reverse("article-create")) assert response.status_code == 200 assert"<h1.*>Create Article</h1>", str(response.content)) assert"<form.*>", str(response.content))

But this makes things even more itchy and using regular expressions for parsing HTML tags is far from ideal. Next to that, frontend changes like CSS classes are most of the time not relevant for these tests: We just want to know if the form renders properly and that it's very likely that it functions correctly.


This makes you wonder if there is an alternative that isn't itchy. For E2E tests you could use Playwright, then you can use the document.querySelector API with CSS selectors. What if you could do that in your Django tests with the Django Test Client?....

Soup Sieve

Meet Soup Sieve, an excellent selector add-on for BeatifulSoup4. It comes preinstalled with BeatifulSoup4 4.7.0 and above and uses the CSS selector API to query your document. A basic example:

>>> from bs4 import BeautifulSoup >>> soup = BeautifulSoup("<h1 class='title'>My title</h1>", "html5lib") >>>"h1.title") [<h1 class="title">My title</h1>]

To use this in our tests you could simply write:

def test_article_create__get(client): response = client.get(reverse("article-create")) soup = BeautifulSoup(response.content) assert

Custom Test Client

Let's integrate this in the Django Test Client so we don't have to "soupify" the response contents each time. We override the pytest client fixture with a customised version of the Django Test Client:

class BS4DjangoTestClient(DjangoTestClient): def request(self, **request): response = super().request(**request) = BeautifulSoup(response.content, "html5lib").select return response @pytest.fixture def client(): return BS4DjangoTestClient()

Let's rewrite our first test, using CSS selectors with select:

@pytest.mark.django_db def test_article_create__get__select(client): response = client.get(reverse("article-create")) assert response.status_code == 200 assert"h1")[0].text == "Create Article" assert"form") assert"input[name='title']") assert"input[type='submit']")

Another example, let's check if form errors are rendered properly:

@pytest.mark.django_db def test_article_create__post_error__select(client): data = dict(title="my title does not start with an uppercase") response ="article-create"), data=data) assert response.status_code == 200 assert"ul.errorlist") error_messages ="ul.errorlist li") assert len(error_messages) == 1 assert error_messages[0].text == "Should start with an uppercase letter."

It became much easier now to query for specific elements, and we can even check easily how many error message are shown. You could even check the specific error message if you want to.

More examples:

# Check if the save button is present assert"form .buttonHolder button[name=save]") # There should be a table with management links links ="table.overview tr td a") assert len(links) > 0, "No management link found on the page!" # Check if the href attribute contains the correct url assert links[0].attrs["href"] == reverse("my-view", kwargs={"pk":})

Final notes

Although BeatifulSoup has been around for a long time, (since 2004!), it is the Soup Sieve add-on released in 2018 that makes it really powerful and easy to query a HTML document. Integrating this into your Django Test Client requires just a few lines of code and makes writing tests much more convenient and robust.
